Understanding Pickleball rules

  1. What is the NVZ? The Non-Volley Zone= the “kitchen”

  2. What is the primary rule of the NVZ? You cannot serve in the kitchen. You cannot Volley in the kitchen.

  3. When can I go in the kitchen? Anytime as long as you don’t volley in the kitchen.

  4. Do I have to wait till the ball bounces in the kitchen first in order for me to go in the kitchen? NO, NO, NO! You can anticipate a short ball over the net and start moving in to get the bounce.

  5. Do I have to get back out? No, but you should! If you stay in the kitchen you must still let the ball bounce before you hit it. It’s best to be efficient, and go in as needed, and get back out, ready again at the NVZ in case your next shot is a volley.

  6. Do I have to stay behind the line on the serving team? The server must stay behind the line until contact is made with their paddle/ball. The server’s partner can be ANYWHERE! It is often suggested they stay behind the line with you to allow ample room for the second bounce of the return of serve.

  7. When my partner is receiving the serve, do I have to stand at the NVZ? No, but it is often suggested, in order for you to have the best advantage at the kitchen line.

  8. Is it a rule that the server must recite the score? YES! Can your partner help you? Sure.

  9. When should I call the ball out? When the ball is on YOUR side of the net & you can CLEARLY see a space between the line and the ball and when you are certain that it is totally OUT.

  10. What is the “2 bounce rule?” The server’s ball must land on the opponent’s side of the court for bounce #1. The ball must return ANYWHERE on the server’s side of the court for the second bounce #2, and then anyone can volley after these 2 bounces…. as long as they are NOT in the kitchen.

  11. What happens when a player hits the ball, and it has so much spin on it that the ball bounces back over the net towards that same team that hit it, without the opposing team ever making contact with the ball? The ball is dead/the play is over, because the opponents never hit it. It is a fault for the opposing team since they NEVER contacted the ball.

  12. What are the rules of a SERVE? Player has 2 options. The “volley” serve in which they hit out of their hand, which has 3 rules: 1) must hit low to high, (upward), 2) must contact the ball below the waist, and 3) the head of the paddle must be below the wrist. The “drop” serve is when the player drops the ball, from any height, the ball hits the ground and the player may swing in any direction to serve. The ball cannot be propelled downward, nor spun, but it can drop in or out of the court, not the player though, who must remain behind the baseline when serving.

  13. When can I step into the court after a serve? After the player makes contact with the ball & the paddle.

  14. Is the goal in pickleball to get to the kitchen line; everyone tells me to “get to the kitchen”? THE GOAL OF PICKLEBALL IS TO WIN THE POINT! (not to get to the kitchen). Players do have an advantage if they learn to play "at the net”.

  15. My partner calls the ball OUT, and I think it’s in. What’s the call? When 2 players disagree, the benefit of the doubt goes to the opposing team. One says out & one says in… the call is IN. The opposing team may be honest if they saw it and say it was out.

  16. A ball was going out so I yelled “out” to tell my partner not to hit it; is this allowed? YES, this is partner communication, but the call must be repeated if in case it does land out, so repeating “OUT” again, when the ball contacts the ground in out of bounds area. A better expression would be to say “NO” or “Bounce it” as partner communication.

  17. What’s the number #1 safety rule in PB? Never back up to hit a shot! Don’t allow your weight, footwork to go back peddling where often players trip and fall bracing themselves with a hand down, or fall onto their back or head. Learn to pivot on a lob and run it down or just let it go.

  18. Why do we play Pickleball? Remember Pickleball is for FUN, to be social, to meet new friends, to get some exercise. Keep it real!

  19. What is a “VOLLEY”? A volley is a hit ‘in the air’, no bounce.

  20. What is a “RALLY”? A rally is a sequence of hits, back and forth.